The below data is from the article (click title to navigate to it): “Modified conventional gait model versus cluster tracking: Test-retest reliability, agreement and impact of inverse kinematics with joint constraints on kinematic and kinetic data”. Below are figures and videos that show the differences between the Conventional Gait Model (CGM) and a cluster model both without and with inverse kinematics (IK). The models without IK have six degrees-of-freedom (6DoF).
Use the drop-down box to view different graphs. You can also click on the legend on the right-hand side to remove/add each gait model from the graph.
* Please be patient, the graphs are quite complex and can take 10+ seconds to render.
* Please be patient, the graphs are quite complex and can take 10+ seconds to render.
Note that the x-axis is percentage of the gait cycle, the y-axis is measured in degrees for joint angles, degrees per second for joint angular velocities, Newton metres per kilogram for joint moments, and Watts per kilogram for joint powers. The vertical line indicates toe off. Data taken as averages for all sessions of recorded data. Knee varus/valgus and rotation does not have data with inverse kinematic models as these rotations were restricted. The shaded bands around each average indicate ±1 standard deviation. CGM = Conventional Gait Model; IK = inverse kinematics.
The videos below allow us to visually examine the quality of the various gait models. We have applied the four different gait models to the same walking trial to allow for a visual comparison.
Conventional Gait Models |
Cluster Gait Models |